Installing and Setting Up Telegram for DUST Mining

To mine DU$T on the WAX blockchain while using the Telegram application, you will need a WAX wallet, Telegram, a username, and a one-time sync with the DUST Bot. Below are instructions for each of these items.

Get a WAX wallet

You can get a WAX wallet with two clicks of your mouse here. If you would like to read more about the WAX Cloud Wallet, we have an article about it here. If you already have a WAX wallet, good job! You can skip this step.

Install Telegram

Telegram is a fast, free, encrypted messaging application with no advertising. It is extremely easy to use and if you install it on multiple devices (say your desktop PC and your iPhone) it syncs so that you can access your chats from both devices. If you don't already have it installed, you can find it here: It is available for Mac, PC, Linux, Andriod, and iOS. Create an account by entering your cell phone number. Don't worry, you can hide your number in settings later.

Setting Your Telegram Username

One thing that often gets overlooked by new Telegram users trying to mine DU$T for the first time is the need for a username. The way set your username in Telegram is dependent on the platform you are using.

On a desktop or laptop computer

  1. Click the "hamburger" in the top left corner.

  2. Click on "Settings".

  3. Click "Edit Profile".

  1. Choose an image or photo to represent yourself, fill in your name (real or an alias), your phone number, and most importantly your @username.

  1. Click the "X" at the top right.

On a cell phone or a tablet

  1. Click the gear icon at the bottom right.

  2. Click "Edit" at the top right.

  1. Add an image or photo, your first name (or alias), last name (optional), and your @username.

  1. Click "Done" at the top right.


Magic DU$T chat mining WILL NOT work without a @username.

Sync your WAX wallet on Telegram

Click the link or follow the instructions below to sync your WAX wallet with the DUST Miner Bot. This ensures the DU$T crypto currency you earn while chatting gets credited to you. If you are on a desktop or laptop, click the "hamburger" at the top left and then click on "Contacts". If you are on a phone or tablet, click "Contacts" at the bottom left.

In the Search box, type the word "dust".

The first search result should be "Magic DU$T Miner with a magic wand icon and the username @dustminerbot.

Click on that result.

You are now in a private chat room with a robot. Neat right?

To get started, click the "Start" button at the bottom.

To interact with any type of chat bot, you use the slash command "/"

Type "/sync xxxxx.wam" where "xxxxx" is your wallet address that we created above.

If you are successful, the bot will tell you so.

Congratulations! You just wrote your first line of computer code (sort of).

Wallet Sync

You only need to sync your wallet once and it will follow you to every DU$T enabled chat room you enter.

Other bot commands

What else can this bot do for you?

To see what any bot can do for you click the same slash command we used above "/".

For the Magic DU$T Miner bot you see that it has four commands:

/sync (the one we just used), /balance (to see how much DU$T you have earned),

/stash (to see which DU$T enhancers you own) (more on this later), and

/top which displays the usernames of the 50 most active users since the introduction of DU$T in August 2020. The number after each user name is the total number of messages written in DU$T enabled chat rooms. Making friends with any of these people would be very useful (hence the command's description "show players you shouldn't hate").

"Secret" bot commands

If you want to be sassy, here is a secret command that does the same thing as /balance. The command is:

/whipitout. Funny right? You'll come across some cool things like this from time to time while using Telegram. We hope it brings a smile to your face.

DU$T Etiquette

It is considered bad etiquette to constantly check your DU$T balance in enabled rooms. Some rooms won't even allow it at all. This is called "silent mode".

How to check your Magic DU$T balance on Telegram

There are several ways to check your DU$T balance without calling attention to yourself. The first is to go back into the Magic DU$T Miner Bot chat room where you synced your wallet and run the /balance command. The other is to look in your WAX Cloud Wallet (after we add it) (see below), and the third is to look on a block explorer such as Bloks.

Earning your first Magic DU$T Tokens

Lets earn your first DU$T token. There are nearly 100 DU$T enabled Telegram chat rooms and counting. Here are some you can join and earn DU$T in:

Magic Dust (DU$T) - This is the official room to learn and talk about the DU$T token as well as get announcements about upcoming DU$T events and DU$T drops (more about this later). Head there now and introduce yourself. Did you do it? Congratulations you just earned your first DU$T token! You can see the proof of it by doing one of the three options we discussed above.

DU$T Auctions - The official room for art and collectible NFT auctions. These auctions are organized by the DU$T administrators and are very popular. If you are short on WAX or just want a fun way to see a real world use case for DU$T, this is the room for you.

Nifty Wizards - This is a very special room indeed. It is where you can learn to play the first-of-its-kind chat based roll playing game created by the same person who created DU$T - Kurt Braget, AKA @kurtybot. From this room, you can earn your way into nearly 50 other rooms. We have a lot to say about this topic and will post links here when they are ready.

What can you do with your DU$T?

  1. HODL it! Magic DU$T is only 6 months old as of this writing. Who knows what the future holds for it.

  2. Spend it! There are constant DU$T drops and DU$T actions happening in our community. This is a good way to get cool new art, graphics, cards, and other NFT's without spending a penny. You use the currency you earned by doing what you do - chat.

  3. Stake it! DU$T mine operators (Telegram chat room administrators) are required to "steak" a certain amount of DU$T to show their good faith and willingness to abide by the guidelines of DU$T mining.

  4. Sell it! There is at least one decentralized marketplace that will allow you to sell your DU$T for WAX or buy more DU$T for WAX. You can ask around in the Magic DU$T room for more information about this. We don't like to promote it, but hey - It's your DU$T. Do what you want with it.

Last updated